Thaddeus' Sponsorship Page

Thaddeus is one of the rescue's favorites!!!! He is so stinking cute it’s just ridiculous with his sweet puppy face. He is potty and crate trained, fully vetted, dog friendly, and loves people! He has the absolute best personality and we just don't understand why he hasn't found his home. He has been in boarding since the rescue saved him other than a few short breaks with a foster. He deserves to finally get his chance at a happy ending. 

He plays well with other dogs and is very loving. He seems very interested in squirrels etc., out on walks (he does fantastic on a leash!), so he may not be a great match for cats but hasn’t been tested. This boy needs a foster home or preferably a forever home.

Thaddeus' Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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Recurring Sponsorship
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